How I View The World of Work

For an upcoming interview with Morning Brew’s education arm, Learning Brew, I shared two potential topics to discuss and some thoughts on both. The first was about my time as a marketer in the cannabis industry, and the second was about my thoughts on all things related to professional work in 2023. We ended up going with the former, but I wanted to share some of the highlights with you from the latter. More below:

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Remote Work Is Here To Stay

Saying it louder for those in the back, but remote work isn’t going away. Every role and industry is different, but after working nearly three years straight in fully-remote roles, I don’t see myself or others like me returning to anything less than hybrid roles. If you want the best talent, provide the best work environment for that talent.

Quiet Quitting over Quiet Firing

If you’re concerned with “quiet quitting,” maybe focus that energy inward to understand why employees would do that. Professionals often leave because they feel undervalued, underpaid or see no path forward for their careers (or a combination of those three).   

Even though companies are laying off employees at an unprecedented rate, know that economists still view it as an employee’s market. So be sure to know your value and what you bring to an organization. And find ways to work for organizations that align with your views of the world and how work can be done. Having a life and bring value to an organization through your skills are not mutually exclusive. 

“Change what you can, and deal with what you can’t.” -

Last but not least, you may not be able to change your customers, clients, or colleagues but you can change how you do the work. In our weekly touch base, I ask my team members, “If you were in my shoes, what would you differently?” This was something I learned during Learning Brew’s Leadership Accelerator, and the goal is to provide my team the opportunity to call out inefficiencies, challenges, and other issues when it comes to our work, that I may not have full visibility into.  

Looking for more social media and influencer marketing news worth using? You can read more of my writing, covering my favorite social media tools to use, like and more deep dives on specific topics on my blog.

And thank you for your time and thoughts!


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