Rippleshot White Paper: “Emerging Technology: The Payments Fraud Ecosystem to Come”

Shortly after graduating college, I joined Rippleshot, a FinTech startup working on global issue (data breaches and credit card fraud), as their first hire.

One of my proudest moments as a marketer but also as a storyteller came from co-authoring a white paper with Rippleshot’s Co-Founder and Chief Scientist Randall Cox.

Together, we published “Emerging Technology: The Payments Fraud Ecosystem to Come,” in additional to the weekly content I was creating on the Rippleshot blog.

We discussed how several emerging technologies at the time, such as Apple Pay, 3-D Secure and EMV were heralded as complete solutions to a growing data breach problem.

It was a great opportunity to educate not only consumers but also the financial institutions that we served. This white paper covered these emerging technologies, the significant limitations facing each, and what we believed to be the best defense against data breaches moving forward


Speaking at SocialRock Conference 2019