Social Media & Influencer News You Can Use

Let’s get right into the social media and influencer news you need to start your week. We’re covering the latest social media platform, BeReal, the rise of LinkedIn influencers, and why TikTok content creators are being hired at both brands and agencies. If you’re new to my website, you can see more of my latest social media updates and more deep dives on specific topics on my blog,

Instagram Drawing Inspiration from BeReal

The latest social media platform to gain serious market share, BeReal, which has now surpassed 10 million total downloads, has gained significant traction throughout 2022 and piqued the interest of Meta, which has begun testing features on Instagram that mimic BeReal's format.

BeReal is based on a random prompt sent to all users at a different time each day, asking them to share what they're up to, with a 2-minute time limit to post an update. The app is being marketed as the latest pushback against the highly edited and sculpted social media profiles associated with Instagram and similar platforms. The immediacy of the sharing process removes the ability to edit an image, let alone curate one's feed.

Instagram is testing a new feature that will allow you to add a QR code to your posts, which other users can scan and see where you are at any given time on a live map. BeReal is made possible by Instagram's new dual camera feature.

The Rise of LinkedIn Influencers

Brands continue to find ways to leverage influencers across most social media platforms, and LinkedIn is joining that group. LinkedIn data showcases over 144,000 members with the job title "creator" as of December 2021.

This type of influencer programming is known as Business-to-Business (B2B) influencer marketing, which differs from the influencers you typically see on Instagram or TikTok. We've talked about B2C and B2B marketing in the past. Still, the main differentiator is that B2B influencers' goal isn't necessarily to generate revenue, but to pique the interest of decision-makers who buy products or services. 

These decision-makers are much less likely to make impulse purchases than those scrolling through Instagram, B2B influencers can be utilized to highlight topics related to a specific service or business.

B2B influencer campaigns still make up a small slice of all influencer campaigns, but more and more traditional marketers are looking at this tool for 2023 planning. 

Why Brands and Agencies are Hiring TikTok Influencers

We've discussed the shifts that have come with the various platform changes. The need for video content continues to increase, and agencies, brands, and everyone is looking for ways to supplement that need.

Meet the latest TikTok Creators that are working in-house, like Greer Hiltabidle. Hiltabidle joined 360i, and her day-to-day work is 50% filming TikToks and 50% creative ideation and wearing "different hats." In a recent TikTok for Burger King, she played a Leo who orders "attention," "praise," and "compliments" at the drive-thru. In another, she nervously runs through her "drive-thru anxiety script."

This isn't a one-off trend, with more than a dozen brands and agencies attempting to hire TikTok creators on LinkedIn.

Data from a flexible talent marketplace, We Are Rosie, states that a salaried TikTok content creator can make anywhere between $40,000 and $80,000 a year, or $25–$50 an hour if they're freelance. 

Until next time! If you’re looking for more social media and influencer news, visit my blog.


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