More Cannabis & Marketing Trends Worth Knowing

If you’re like me, it’s been a busy start to the new year. But with the seasons beginning to change, I feel like I’ve been able to get more into a groove over the past few weeks. And I’m excited to get back to sharing my learnings!

To get up to speed on more of cannabis industry, social media, and marketing trends, you can read more of my recent writing here, and here.

Meet Brock Ollie

You've most likely seen this campaign by now, but if you haven't yet, meet Brock Ollie! Weed Maps’ newest digital spot addresses the current advertising restrictions imposed on legal cannabis businesses and brands regarding digital marketing. 

The ad shines a light on the marketing challenges we face when growing our audience and providing education surrounding the plant. While we may never get a cannabis emoji to use, we hope that Brock Ollie can stop being mistaken for our favorite green plant.

How To Harness Digital Marketing Magic

BuiltIn shares shared six tactics to help digital marketers unlock the magic, and we want to share some of the learnings. My personal favorites include:

  • Engage with Relevant Communities: Brands need to integrate themselves into the communities where their target audience is already part of, making it easier to find one's brand. This is true beyond social platforms; it includes forums and other digital "hang-outs."

  • Never Stop Refining Your User Experience (UX): Brands must provide a positive user experience when patients and adult-use customers interact with any of our digital channels like social media, email, and web. For our brands to continue to grow as we expand, we need to get existing customers to share their love of Sunnyside with their audience through Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) and a positive UX is needed to do just that. 

Creating A More Equitable Tribal Medical Cannabis Program

Earlier this week, Minnesota state Representative Mike Freiberg introduced a new bill, HF 3162, providing for the operation of tribal medical cannabis programs and authorizing Tribal compacts regarding medical cannabis. To create a more equitable cannabis industry, this bill would also establish dual registration of Tribal patients and provide for transportation of medical cannabis by manufacturers registered with Tribal medical cannabis programs. 

While a Senate companion bill has not yet been introduced, I am hopeful that similar bills will be presented in states with Tribal communities. 

Until next time!


3 Social Media News & Trends Worth Your Time


Cannabis and Social Media Trends You Need To Know