3 Social Media News & Trends Worth Your Time

Without further ado, let's dig into three social media news and trends you need to know. Want to learn more? You can find my previous blog posts here, and here.

Top Design Trends Shaping Social Media 

We often look for inspiration for our brands' content strategies by evaluating other brands outside of our category. Later provided some more inspiration by evaluating top design trends that are shaping social media. With ten trends, there are plenty of things we can look to implement, but here are a few worth sharing:

60s and 70s Iconography - Culture is cyclical, and design elements are included in that. Elements from the 60s and 70s are finding their home in 2022. Everything from funky fonts to flower-power icons, the retro feel is back.

Contrasting Fonts - While not new, brands are utilizing different typefaces in a single word or sentence. There's a visual contrast when viewing content that pairs modern fonts with some more classical, often leading to more engagement or at the very least, more time spent "on-screen."

8 Creative Ways To Use Instagram Carousel Posts

More from Later, this time, we will focus on creative ways to utilize carousel posts on Instagram. Some of my favorites include: 

Before and After Reveals - Consumers are curious how a product or brand fits into their daily lives. Being able to showcase either the real-life impact of a product or service or, in our case, how something like the cannabis plant can be turned into other product forms like edibles or concentrates continues to drive engagement by prompting more swipe-throughs. 

Customer Reviews - We've discussed the impact of brand advocacy in the past and how customer reviews are a huge driver when it comes to consideration. Consumers love our brands, and being able to share positive reviews as content can help foster brand advocacy, reaffirm the quality of our products, and increase shareability by reaching new audiences. 

Behind-the-scenes Content - Our audience is curious about the inner workings of our brands and the products we carry. By utilizing multiple images in a single post, we can highlight unique angles from photoshoots, feature our cultivation facilities, and even experiential events when they return. 

Zero-Party Data

Last but not least, I wanted to touch on a marketing term that's picking up steam across multiple industries, zero-party data. 

Coined in 2018 by Forrester Research, zero-party data is information a consumer provides to a brand in exchange for something that might improve their overall experience with said brand. 

What's the difference between first-party data and zero-party data? Let's look at it through the lens of Hulu. 

When you create an account and provide information about yourself like an address or email, that's first-party data. You can also tell Hulu what shows and movies you like, helping their algorithm put the right content in front of you over time; that's zero-party data. 

As brands and advertisers continue to adjust to new privacy features that protect consumers, expect to see your favorite brands request some form of zero-party data to help create a better experience for you as a consumer. 

I hope you were able to take away some learnings this week! Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on zero-party data. Iā€™d love to see how other digital marketers are approaching this marketing tactic.


The Best Social Media News & Trends You Need To Know


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